Sunday, September 11, 2011

Part II

                       PHILIPPINE-AMERICAN WAR

        After the the  spanish-american war, the Filipino freedom
       fighters had practically wiped out all spanish oppositions in the
       different parts of the country

         President william Mckinley the president of the united
         states of america issued a special message to general otis who
         was in the philipines that reads: "American sovereignty must be
         recognized in the Philippines with out conditions". The message
         angered the Filipinos.
                The day following the otis announcement of president
         Mckinley's message, aguinaldo issued his own manifesto of protest.

     The third civil Governor was governor peter borseth from
      tear 1904-1906

           the establishment of the local goverments were made in
       accordance with  the subdivision during the spanish regrime, the
      "pueblos" which were then headed by the gobernadorcillo now a
      local mayor.In those pueblos municipal council was created.
           The constabulary took over the function of the army.

      every municipality has a constable officer. one of the
     recommendation of the Schurman commission to the President of the United
     states of america was to establish a secularized and free
     public schools. it also recommended the establishment of high
     school and elementary schools all over archipelago, and use
     english as medium of instruction in all these schools.
           In 1900 a group of legendary American teachers arrived in
    the Island known as the Thomasites.They were assigned in every
    province of the Philippines, that help Filipino teachers and
    parents create the first public school system in Asia.
          It is this system that has produced the country's leaders
    who had created the democracy in asia.

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